Opioid & Prescription
Drug Misuse Prevention
Did you know? 5 out of 10 fake pills contain a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl.

Opioids are a family of drugs that are used to alleviate physical pain, but are highly addictive.
Illicit fentanyl is a cheap, synthetic opioid that is deadly. An amount as small as a pencil tip can cause an overdose if it's inhaled or ingested in any way.
Fentanyl is odorless and can easily be mixed into other drugs. It is commonly mixed in with fake pills made to look like Xanax, OxyContin, Percocet and Adderall. It is also being mixed into cocaine.
Fake pills are killing teens at an alarming rate. Recent research shows 22 teens die every day due to fentanyl-laced fake pills.
While fake pills can be bought on the street, many are bought online through social media or the dark web.
YouThinkYouKnowCT.org is a resource that has tips for talking with your teens.
Download Now: Talking Tips and What You Need to Know About Fake Pills
Person is unconscious and has:
Pin point pupils
Blue or purplish lips, fingertips
Snoring or gurgling sounds
Very slow breathing, if breathing at all
Signs of an Overdose
Call 911 immediately
Administer naloxone (Narcan) if available
Support the person's breathing
When breathing resumes, lay them on their side
Stay until an ambulance arrives
What to Do
Everyone can save a life! Register for a naloxone training to learn how to respond to an overdose. All attendees 18+ will receive a FREE Narcan kit.
Get Trained, Save a Life!
Helpful Videos
Lock up medications so that no one but the patient has access to them – Fairfield CARES Coalition provides “lock boxes” and “lock pill bottles.”
Dispose of unneeded or expired prescription pills as well as over the counter pills in the Drop Box at the Fairfield Police Station lobby – available 24/7.
Fairfield CARES Community Coalition participates in the DEA’s Drug Take Back Day twice a year, fall and spring, an initiative to raise the awareness of the importance of safely disposing of medications. Sorry, needles and liquids are not accepted.
Deterra bags can be used as an alternative to going to the Drop Box.
Safely dispose of medications at home with these guidelines.