Every other year, Fairfield youth and parents are asked to complete a survey to explore attitudes and behaviors regarding youth substance use and a variety of wellness topics.
The 2023 Fairfield Youth Survey fulfills the following objectives:
Describes perceptions and experiences regarding substance misuse, mental health, social media, gaming, supports and family norms among Fairfield youth in grades 7 to 12 in the year 2023.
Monitors trends in protective factors and risky behaviors over time through use of the baseline data.
Utilizes information provided by youth, allowing community stakeholders to ‘hear’ from youth to enhance and plan initiatives and activities for youth in the community.
Survey Background
The 2023 Fairfield Youth Survey was adapted from several state and national survey tools including:
National Outcome Measures (NOMs), Office of National Drug Control Policy
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBSS), Center for Disease Control
The Search Institute’s Developmental Assets Profile
Governor’s Prevention Initiative for Youth Student Survey (Connecticut)
Connecticut School Health Survey, Department of Public Health
2021 survey reports and results:
2019 survey reports and results: